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Community Spirit Awards

One of the highlights of our year is the annual Community Spirit Awards ceremony. Held jointly with Kingley School, this annual event recognises and celebrates individuals in the local community who are ‘unsung heroes’ for all that they do.


1 November 2022

Who We Help

Project Type



Leamington Spa

What We Did

In 2016 the Rotary Club of Royal Leamington revived its former scheme recognising individuals in the local community for their substantial and worthy service towards others. Seen as unsung heroes, these volunteers worked tirelessly to improve the lives of others in a range of different activities, thus fulfilling the Rotary motto of “service before self”.

Following a chance conversation between a Club member and his granddaughter, who was a Kingsley School pupil, the School agreed enthusiastically to collaborate and form a joint Awards Scheme in 2017. Awards took place in that year, 2018 and 2019 but were prevented because of lockdowns in 2020 and 2021. They resumed to much acclaim in 2022. In the four years of this joint partnership, over 35 “unsung heroes” have been recognised for their selfless contribution in helping others in need or support.  It is intended by both parties that the Scheme will continue and flourish in the future.

Why We Did It

As Rotary is all about community service, it is wonderful to be able to recognise others that give their time and efforts to serve the greater good of Leamington.

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