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Get In Touch

We’d love to hear from you!

If you’re passionate about making a difference locally, becoming a member, learning more, you want to volunteer or you’re looking for our club to support your cause – we’re a friendly group that are keen to meet new people.

We are People of Action...
Are You?

We’re always looking for new members, ideas, partnerships and opportunities to help us in our mission to enhance the lives of Leamingtonians (and beyond!)

If you’d like to know more about becoming a member, or volunteering on one of our events, experiences or projects, please enter your details and we’ll be in touch.

Start your Rotary journey today.

Complete the form below and we’ll be in touch

Work With Rotary

There are lots of ways to work with the Rotary Club of Leamington Spa – so if this describes you, don’t hesitate to get in touch!


Sponsor an Event, Project or Experience

If you’re looking to elevate awareness of your company in Leamington Spa and to visitors, tourists and other influential members of the community – look no further than partnering with us to help your reach and engagement.


Need Help from Rotary?

If you’re a charity or cause, we’d love to hear from you. We’re open and receptive to approaches from ay type of organisation looking for help to raise funds.

We can help and support you by acting as an experienced team that generates ideas, provides manpower or connects your cause to contacts we have in our extended and extensive network. We listen, learn and make things happen.


Volunteer with Us

Working with Rotary Leamington Spa is completely different from volunteering for a charity where there is a limited variety of roles and responsibilities and a lot of repetition. 

We work together to define what we want to do based on what will have the greatest possible impact on the community and then we create it. You choose your path based on your passion, availability and experience.

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